Matthias B. Moor, MD PhD

Visiting scientist, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm


I am a physician-scientist investigating the pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease and its associated mineral and bone disorders - with a focus on precision-cut kidney slices, human kidney tissue and transgenic mouse models.
I have received the Swiss medical license and medical doctorate from the University of Bern in 2012. I have received an MD-PhD doctorate in the life sciences at University of Lausanne in 2016, and a habilitation as Privatdozent in experimental nephrology at University of Bern in 2022. 
I have worked as a clinical resident to become a nephrologist and general internist, and as a junior research group leader at University of Bern. I am currently a visiting scientist at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm jointly working in the Olauson lab (CLINTEC Division of Renal Medicine) and Patrakka lab (LABMED Division of Pathology).

I am the husband of Jeanne Moor MD, a clinician-scientist currently at Karolinska Institutet, and father of three children.

My institutional address is:
Karolinska Institutet
H5 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Patologi; H9 CLINTEC Med njursjukdomar, 
ANA Futura 81124
Alfred Nobels allé 8
141 52 Huddinge, Sweden

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